We depend on the generous assistance of volunteers to make this great festival happen each year. If you enjoy a music festival hang, meeting new people, being part of great team, not to mention the warm and fuzzy feeling of helping out, then we are looking for you! All volunteers get a few little goodies including a discount on festival merchandise. Full-Time volunteers and Part-Time get additional benefits listed below.
Full-Time – minimum 15 hours
Full Weekend Pass + Hospitality Room access for the weekend (including meals)
Part-Time – minimum 10 hours
One Day Festival Access (your choice of Fri or Sat or Sun), same day Hospitality Room access, a 3-meal punch pass
I don’t see the job that I really wanted to volunteer for? This could be for one of two reasons…
If you have particular expertise/experience in something, such as – sound, lighting, computers, finance, sales, administration – and think you could help in those areas… contact one of us directly (contact information at the end of this document).
You must have an email address to use this online system… …BUT do not worry if you don’t. Just contact one of us (info below) and we will assist you to get scheduled with some shifts. If the online thing seems a bit daunting, no worries...just call us.
How to sign up for shifts? 5 EASY STEPS
What happens next?
Shirley Anne Watts-Haase: (867) 335-3259
Gerald Haase: (867) 336-1114
Volunteer Coordinators
Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival
Volunteer Mailing List
If you would like to get your name on our Volunteer Mailing List to be notified about our 2025 festival volunteer opportunities and updates, please subscribe below:
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
206 Hawkins Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 1X4